Vision: Gospel into the village (From Preacher Zhang)



There are many children and teenagers in the Cambodian church, and adults worship idols all the time, making it difficult to believe in the Lord. Dozens of children come to the church in the village every day. Through learning

Chinese, English, study the Bible. “There are churches in every village” requires the training of Bible teachers. We have already had 5 young people enrolled in the Bible training for 2 years, and every year there are young people preparing for school.


Pastor Timothy led and accompanied the students to grow up. The students participated in the weekly service of the church and went to neighboring villages to spread the gospel.


Director Paul used to be a monk. He started running an orphanage in 2004, and now there are 65 children living in the orphanage.


Schools often only have half a day to go to school, most of the time is free, and teachers are needed to lead the children. The same goes for the children in the village.


Other times, we would go to nearby villages to visit the villagers and tell them about Jesus.

异象: 村村有老师,每天都可以帮助无学可上的孩子们。

Vision: There are teachers in every village, who can help children who have no school every day.

使命: 培养、差派、资助老师进村

Mission: Cultivate, send, and support teachers to enter the village.

1、让人了解到这么好的儿童事工机会。Let people know about such a wonderful children’s ministry opportunity.

2、我们可以培养、差派圣经老师。We Can Train and Send Bible Teachers.

3、本土教会无力承担,因为教会里儿童青少年居多,他们没有收入。Local churches can’t afford it because most of the churches are children and teenagers who have no income.



Chinese or English Bible teachers are convenient for maintaining good communication with churches in the United States and China; the gospel strategy is to go to the village to teach Chinese or English, through children