2020年8月31日:很高兴Lee先生和他的太太今天来到了我们中间,和我的同工。我们一起唱歌跳舞赞美神,我们度过了一个美好的夜晚。August 31, 2020: I am very happy that Mr. Lee and his wife are among us today, working with my colleagues. We sang and danced together to praise God, and we had a wonderful night.

2020年8月24日:韩国教会团队加入了这次活动。他们做得很棒,学习了泰语赞美诗,还亲自为孩子们准备了三明治,看上去很美味。August 24, 2020: The Korean church team joined this event. They did a great job, they learned Thai hymns, and they prepared sandwiches for the children themselves, which looked delicious.

2020年8月17日:和孩子们分享了诺亚方舟圣经故事,他们很喜欢听故事。接着我们有给方舟涂色,然后分享食物。August 17, 2020: shared the Bible story of Noah’s Ark with the children. They like to listen to the story. Then we color the ark and share food.