Let the children come to Jesus 让孩子来到耶稣这里

Our vision is that there are churches in every village. The local church in Cambodia cannot afford such a good opportunity to minister to children, because most of the churches are children and teenagers, and they have no income. There are many children in the Cambodian church, and adults worship idols, making it difficult to believe in the Lord. Dozens of children come to the church in the village every day to study the Bible by learning Chinese and English.
我們的異像是村村有教會, 這麼好的兒童事⼯機會, 柬埔寨本⼟教會無⼒承擔, 因 為教會裡兒童⻘少年居多,他們沒有收⼊。柬埔寨教會兒童⻘少年多, 成年⼈拜偶像貫了, 很難信主。村⾥的教會每天都有幾⼗個孩⼦過來, 通過學習 中⽂ 、英⽂, 學習聖經。

“There are churches in every village” must train Bible teachers. We have already had 5 young people enrolled in the school to start the 2-year Bible training, and every year there are young people preparing to enter school. The pastor led and accompanied the students to grow up. The students participated in the weekly service of the church and went to neighboring villages to spread the gospel. There are senior missionaries from the Southern Baptist Church and professors from Life University working together. There is an orphanage as an internship base, and at the same time encourages the children in the orphanage to be trained as Bible teachers.
“村村有教會”就要培養聖經⽼ 師, 我們已經有5個年輕⼈⼊ 學開始2年的聖經培訓, 每年都有年輕⼈預備⼊學。牧師帶領陪伴學員們成⻑, 學員參與教會每週的事奉, 也去鄰近村莊傳福⾳ 。有美南浸信會的資深宣教⼠和⽣命⼤學的教授⼀起同⼯, 有⼀個孤兒院作為實習基地, 同時⿎勵孤兒院孩⼦們受訓成為聖經⽼師。

History : Paul Yard used to be a monk. He started to run an orphanage in 2004. Now there are 65 children living in the orphanage. The children go to the nearest public school, often only half a day can go to school, most of the time is free, and teachers are needed to lead the children. The same goes for the children in the village.
History : 保羅院⻑ 曾是和 尚, 2004年開始辦孤兒院, 現在有65個孩⼦⽣活在孤兒院。孩⼦們就近去公⽴學校, 常常只有半天學可上, ⼤ 部分時間空閒, 需要⽼ 師帶領孩⼦們。村莊⾥的孩⼦也是這樣。

Vision: There are teachers in every village, who can help children who have no schooling every day. Vision: 村村有⽼ 師, 每天都可以幫助無學可上的孩⼦們。

Mission: To train, send, and sponsor teachers to enter the village.
Mission: 培養、差派、資助⽼ 師進村。

1、Let people know about such a good opportunity for children’s ministry .讓⼈ 了解到這麼好的兒童事⼯ 機會。

2、We Can Train and Send Bible Teachers. 我們可以培養、差派聖經⽼ 師

3、The local church is unable to afford it, because most of the children and teenagers in the church have no income. 本⼟ 教會無⼒ 承擔, 因為教會裡兒童⻘ 少年居多, 他們沒有收⼊。

4、Chinese or English Bible teachers facilitate good communication with American and Chinese churches; the Gospel strategy is to go to the villages to teach Chinese or English, and attract families to listen to the Gospel and believe in the Lord through their children. 中⽂ 或英⽂ 聖經⽼ 師便於與美國、 中國教會保持 良好的交流; 福⾳ 策略也是進村教中⽂ 或英⽂, 透過孩⼦吸引家⻑來聽福⾳ 、信主。

Therefore, after prayer and seeking, we plan to train 10 local preachers a year, and the living expenses of one local preacher are 300 US dollars per month, and the annual living cost is 3,600 US dollars. The 10 local preachers live on a total of $36,000 a year. If you are moved in this regard, you can transfer the donation to our following organizations, and 100% of the donation will be used for the ministry of cultivating missionaries in Cambodia.



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