Loving action in 2021

january 4, 2021

January 4, 2021: Visiting the Taiya people for the first time in the New Year. We came to the village as scheduled. We were fortunate to witness this spectacular scene. They were enjoying Thai hot pot, which looked very interesting. Sit down by the stove, cook, bake, and eat. They were very happy. The village chief invited us to join, but because of the re-invasion of the new coronavirus, we just shared the food we brought with them and left. May God continue to protect the villagers here.




January 18, 2021

January 18, 2021: Pastor Kim brought some Thai painting story books this time. This is really great. The book contains some biblical stories with coloring pictures. The children are looking forward to it. content. Teacher Lin asked everyone to take a look and store it again. As the next use in class.


Today we finished praying, told stories, sang hymns, and shared food! Looking forward to the official opening of a new story book next time!




February 1, 2021

On February 1, 2021, our team came to Taiyai Village. The children looked forward to the drawing book, listened to the teacher’s story about the Bible, and carefully painted. We shared food after praying. Have a nice hour.



February 16, 2021

Today, we start from playing games, we play music, we use a doll to spread, and the music stops. No matter who the doll is in, he/she will imitate the sounds of animals. This is a very interesting game. Then, we tell the story of the Bible, color it, and share the food! Time flies happily!


March 1, 2021


We arrived in the village on March 1st as usual. We tell children stories from the Bible, play games, and share food!。

March 15, 2021


Today is very interesting on March 15th. Pastor Jin teaches the children to make a paper airplane. After the paper airplane is manufactured, we will form a team to compete with the paper airplane to fly further. we are very happy. After the game is over, we still tell bible stories. Share food.