万叶子姊妹原来是上海的一位音乐教师,疫情前带着女儿来到泰国清迈读书,后来母女来到教会聚会并一起受洗成为神的女儿,女儿读大学后,叶子姊妹来到清迈郊区的边龙基督教学校支教,把上帝的爱播撒给单纯的孩子们。单击 “编辑” 按钮更改此文本。这是测试文本。

张毅传道信主前是清华大学自动化系1985级校友,他出身农村,1985年4月高考预考前母亲去世。虽然考上名牌大学,有令乡亲们羡慕的工作,他的内心却满是茫然孤寂。后来张毅弟兄意外获得赴美工作的机会,并在那里听到福音信主,随即受到呼召决定卖掉房产跟随主。目前他在柬埔寨服事生活在社会最底层的人,为要更多的人得到福音的好处。单击 “编辑” 按钮更改此文本。这是测试文本。

Let the children come to Jesus

Bear Fruit-Cambodia

Gospel into the Village- Cambodia

Cambodia Ministry

Thailand Ministry

A family blessed by God,

We Are Doing

The Light of Tomorrow—Operation Rice(明日之光—大米行动)

We are doing ...

When many people are in good clothes, there is a group of orphans here, and they often have no food to eat. This is Mae Sot in Thailand. A group of orphans here need your love!

During COVID-19, we bought food to visit our brothers and sisters in the mountains of Chiang Mai. They are affected by COVID-19, many people have lost their jobs and their lives have been affected.


Loving Action

This is a Taiyai village in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We visit the villagers here once a week. Their housing is very simple and their work is very hard. We will teach them the Bible. With the help of some missionaries and brothers and sisters, We can buy some food every week to share with the children here.